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June 18, 2012

go dutch..

The phrase "going Dutch" probably originates from Dutch etiquette. In the Netherlands, it is not unusual to pay separately when dating

tak tau apa term dalam BM... tp, secara ringkasnya;
masing-masing bayar bil masing2.. 'to separate the bill'

so, what's wrong by going dutch?

masing2 ada gaji masing2.. half-half je la..
so no need to pop out the question 'who's buying?'
i just like this way.. and will continue this way.
unless.. he stated earlier that he's buying.. so i'll let him pick up the bill alone.

kalo taknak bayar asing2 makan pun.. at least.. tolerate la.. if he's buying the meals, then the next should b ur turn.. ticket or whatsoever..

 tp.. yea laa..masing2 ada opinion masing2.. ada yg berpendapat... tak gentleman if a guy going dutch.. 
tp.. kesian la.. if he alwayss the one yg belanja.. dah laaaaa nk kumpul duit kawen lg..eheh.. tp..dah kalo korang dapat dato' or Tan Sri or orang kaya mana.. and he's willing to buy.. rezeki la tuhh.... untung laaa...~ ngeee

but still.. for me.. i prefer half2.. tak laaa trasa terhutang sgt nnt..
(pengalaman mengajar..jgn terima budi org.. nnt makan hati yg tak sedap..)

*stop judging people like u r the only one who's perfect*


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