||.. MaRcH eveNt ..||
1st mac = Bday kak Nana
5th mac = Bday Airiel irfan
8th mac = BdaY An0h AiN [Me!]
CeLEbration datE = 07 03 09
VenuE = t0kma's GardEn
JempuTan = famiLy memBers onLy.
the PiXt0!!!
the cake yg mang wajib.. tp tak mnarik without strawberries.. wuu.. xjumpa strawberry..
1st mac = Bday kak Nana
5th mac = Bday Airiel irfan
8th mac = BdaY An0h AiN [Me!]
CeLEbration datE = 07 03 09
VenuE = t0kma's GardEn
Menu :
1. BBQ [MuTton, ChickEn, MeaT, SausagE]
2. Nasi gowreng Cili Padi
3. Bihun Goreng SingaPore
4. Rojak Buah
5. CockTail buah
7. Air sirap
8. An0h's Kek cokLat
1. BBQ [MuTton, ChickEn, MeaT, SausagE]
2. Nasi gowreng Cili Padi
3. Bihun Goreng SingaPore
4. Rojak Buah
5. CockTail buah
7. Air sirap
8. An0h's Kek cokLat
JempuTan = famiLy memBers onLy.
the PiXt0!!!
the cake yg mang wajib.. tp tak mnarik without strawberries.. wuu.. xjumpa strawberry..
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