kalo syg.. cmne skejap je bleh ada pgganti??
oh come on la boy!!
'still syg dia wlpn da ada org laen'
hurghh!!!! hate dis type of boy!!
jgn rasa diri tu bagus sgt okeh!.
what u giv, u'll get back!
hate u coz u hurt her!
hate u coz u are a pretender!!
either pretending dat u love the other girl or pretending that u still love my girl.
u are hipocrite!!
kalo dah tak nak dia.. go away from her! let the time heals her.
let her go~!
alaa.. apa la bagus sgt.. stakat org mcm u..
yg senang2 ckp kata putus tu..
let see how long the relationship last~!
dear red butterfly..
be strong~!
i am always by your side~~
i can feel wat you are feeling..
i'd go through dis type of boy..
i'd go through dis type of pain..
n wut i did..
al-Quran does heal...
there's no pain left..
just the feels of happiness..
dugaan sntiasa ada.. hadapi la dgn tabah.
love u dear~! be strong!!
be strong~!
i am always by your side~~
i can feel wat you are feeling..
i'd go through dis type of boy..
i'd go through dis type of pain..
n wut i did..
al-Quran does heal...
there's no pain left..
just the feels of happiness..
dugaan sntiasa ada.. hadapi la dgn tabah.
love u dear~! be strong!!
7 kata hikmah:
isk,apa kecoh2 ni..
:) well..luahan ketidak puasan hati.. a lil words for sumone to b strong n move on over sumone who dont deserve the tears..
ntah..btl tu..kte kt die let her go...
ada org ketiga ke?
err.. maybe.. but not in ours. bintang bulan slalu gaduh, tp bkn sbb org ketiga,, definitely~!
post neh sal a girl..her bf yg da konon nye move on.. cpat sgt ada org len, tp still ckp syg kt die.. n she can't move on that way.. kan? cian dia.. huhuhu...
slh dat guyla...bgsla kalo ur guy bkn cmtu...
yuppy yup. harap2 dia xjd mcm tu la.. huhu..
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