- Their smart enough to know how to torture you but not enough to remember what you want of them.
- Teasing is what they think a way to let a girl know they like them.
- Their stupid decisions.
- They think they're better than girls.
- The way they can make you feel worse when you're upset.
- The way they question your questions? i.e "Why do you love me?" boy answers, "What do you mean why?"
- They can't think of answers to simple questions.
- Their lies don't even make sense.
- They think their the smartest people in the world.
- Their selfish.
- They don't think with their brains.
- All they think about is how girls look.
- They remember EVERYTHING BUT what you actually want to be known for.
- They say "uhhh.." a lot.
- They never know the nice things to say to a girl.
- They say the most wrong things at the wrong time.
- They are very loud.
- They think they're always right.
- They are full of themselves.
- Some of them like way too many girls at the same time.
- They have dirty mouths.
- They don't know when to stop doing whatever their doing.
- They say the stupidest things sometimes.
- They DO the stupidest things sometimes.
- They can be very insensitive.
- They take forever to say sorry.
- They would never admit any of these.
- They think love songs are cheesy.
- They think love movies are cheesy.
- They think LOVE ANYTHING is cheesy.
- They don't know when their in love.
- I love you doesn't mean a lot to them.
- They don't know the difference between looking and seeing.
- If a guy reads number forty five he would probably say 'well duh! they're spelled differently!' and laugh.
- They think that being able to jump off the roof is a talent.
- They think we're over too over dramatic but they just don't understand.
- They are really judgemental.
- When they're talking about inappropriate things they don't care how we feel, but when we do it they go 'eeeeeew!'
- They never believe us.
- They say things that they never do like, "I was thinking about you last night", when they were with another girl.
- They just don't understand in general.
- They don't, kinda, care what they wear.
- They think they can do everything.
- They think that they can't get ink poison when they write on themselves.
- Their ego.
1 kata hikmah:
Banyaknya reason hate males..huhu
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