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May 08, 2010

Wash ur hand~!
Second H1N1 epidemic is spreading~~
please..please.. n please~
keep your hygiene on top!

yezz..tgn kita mainkan peranan utama lam menyebarkan virus2 n germs2 kepada diri sndiri n juga kepada org len.. iyo lah.. dlm sehari bape byk benda n permukaan kita dah sentuh.. bukan???
sentuh butang lif.. then, rs gatal hidung, then garu hidung.. ha..there..there.. di situ la ia masuk~~
so..always..alwaysss...wash or disinfects your hands..
jum usha video neh~ the right steps in washing hands..

and here some steps to disinfects with alcohol/ antiseptic / anti infective properties.

virus h1n1 tuh leh hidup di luar badan..makna nye.. mana2 permukaan yg disentuh oleh mereka-mereka yg di hinggapi virus tu.. mcm tgn escalator, meja,keyboard n mana2 permukaan lah kan..bila kita pn sntuh, n there the virus spread.. so..jgn simply use ur hands to rub eyes, nose or touch ur mouth without basuh dulu tgn okeh~!!

and well known that virus influenza tuh leh tersebar melalui droplets jek~so, as long as we breathe, yes..we are in risk~!
but keeping our hygiene on top and a let the simple hand washing be our habits, we'll reduce the infection coz hand washing is the most effective ways to stop spreading the germs..

oh.. n perhatian kepada sesape yg ada flu..
n tlah di suspect H1n1, tolong lah.. pakai mask...

neh org tgh bagi ubat, (dah laa on tamiflu..[ubat ntok h1n1]) duk batuk2 plak kat tgn neh~ huwaaaa~~ i rasa the droplets okeh~!
tp seb bek pakai mask masa tuh..
n i do practice that simple steps of hand washing~~
n thanks to him that alwaysss... alwayss forced me to wash my hands..

~FLU.. a surprise killer~

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