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April 19, 2011

Love never hate.

Love your friends as they love you,
But dont hate when they hate you, give your smile to everyone,
But give your heart to only one..


Oh yes, i prefer peanut better than jam. Jam's too sweet for me. 
tp.. Peanut tu lebih mggemukkan~~ kan? erk..

Oh.. Smlm pergi butik pengantin.. 
there, i learnt..
To decide a perfect choice is tiring! 
wah...Damn tiring.~
bkn snang nk jd raja sehari ni rupanya... 

But.. Seriously.. The white n purple gown is simply gorgeous. *mouth watering*

But then.. The simple light blue kurung moden with pink and peach embroidery is gorgeously sweet~~

But... Still....if it's up to me, then hadv to find another..
Pink pleasee~~~~~ 

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